Hallow Sword: Cursed and Battle For Astolat Re-Releases!
The two eBook exclusives are being re-released as Dark Titan Direct exclusive titles!
EverWar Universe: Avior vs. Dekar Arriving This Summer!
The prelude to The Damned Ones arrives this Summer!
Story Details Unveiled for Magicks & Mysticism!
From occult detectives to Supreme Enchanters and more! The story details of the next installment of the Dark Titan Universe Saga are revealed!
Frightened! and Instincts moving focus toward visual media!
The future of the Frightened! and Instincts brands are headed toward the visual front of entertainment.
Symbolum Venatores: Mystery of the Magician: The Change of Media
The monster hunter/historical-fiction series is headed for a new frontier!