Understanding the Avior: A Study of the EverWar Universe
The Avior is a spiritual force of energy used by the Abhdi Knights of the Covenant in the universe.
The Avior is considered the “benevolency of the universe”. Others can tap into the Avior if it makes itself known to them and their willfulness to bond with it.
The abilities of the Avior. The Avior causes the air and the aura to glow a blue, green, gold, or white flame around the user depending on their spirituality and their closeness with the Avior. Those of the Avior uses the phrase, “Aviorspeed” when saying goodbye to another.
Avior abilities include:
Supernatural strength and agility
Spiritual discernment
Casting out malevolent entities
Loosing holy celestials
Avior Hedge: An invisible, yet powerful and spiritual wall of protection.
Avior Blast/Bomb: Pressurizing the air into a projectile blast or bomb-like attack.
Known users of the Avior include:
Yabel Serkelrod
Iscah Grake
Rayen Grake
Amzi Grake
Aweran Serkelrod
Zeena Lyh