Sinth Cain, born to Sinth Tyrannus and Sinth Labara, who was trained by his father in the arts of warfare and guided by Moraltian scholars and priests in the power of the Dekar. Upon reaching the age of a young adult, he was assigned to marry Sinth Kara. After the marriage, his mother and father were both killed in their sacking of Tropolton. Cain swore revenge for his mother and father’s deaths and went on a scheme to destroy the Abhdi Knights. Cain assigned Dos Ar-Suyaza, a bounty hunter to find and kill the remaining Knights. Due to Suyaza’s failings, Cain took it upon himself to confront the Knights in person on the planet of Thran. There, he combated with Aweran Serkelrod, a young Knight in training and ultimately lost the battle. Several years after, Cain lead the Viper Knights against Aweran and the Knights in combat and fell to his death at the hand of Aweran’s aduroblade.

Powers: Skilled fighter with the Sinthblade and an aduroblade. Possesses the powers of the Dekar such as supernatural strength and agility, spiritual discernment, mind-control, summoning malevolent entities, telekinesis, telepathy, precognition, teleportation, Dekar Blast, Dekar Lightning, Lust for Murder.

Occupation: Viper Lord, Conqueror, Warrior

Alias/AKA: The Viper Lord, Husband of Kara

Real Name: Cain

Height: 6’3

Weight: 200 lbs

Group Affiliations: Viper Order, Those of the Dekar

Allies: Sinth Kara, Dos Ar-Suyaza

Enemies: Aweran Serkelrod, Knights of the Covenant

Base of Operations: Moraltian Castle, Moraltis

First Appearance: Lords of the Viper (December 2020)