“The Lithonian Barbarian”

A warrior to his people and a protector to his country. Praxus was born from his father Krotax and mother Arinia. It was spoken upon his birth he would become a protector of Lithonia and banish all tyranny from its surroundings. As an adult, Praxus grew to have compassion for fellow Lithonians and challenged the tyrant King Bantos as he gains allies in taking down the Bandorian Empire.

Abilities: Praxus possesses near superhuman strength and agility. His primary weapon of choice is his sword. Praxus is also highly intelligent and thinks before he acts, unless he’s in a fit of anger known as the Lithonian Rage. Praxus also possesses knowledge of small amounts of magic and sorcery.

Occupation: Warrior, Protector

Alias/AKA: Praxus of Lithonia, The Lithonian Barbarian

Real Name: Praxus

Height: 6’6

Weight: 376 lbs

Group Affiliations: Not Affiliated

Allies: King Brithon of Brithrow

Enemies: King Bantos of Bandoria, Roht, Jax The Annihilator, Dakin Maul

Base of Operations: Lithonia

First Appearance: Praxus of Lithonia (2021)