The Story of Elrad the Hunter Returns in the form of a Second Edition!
The third entry into the Symbolum Venatores series is receiving a second edition!
New Merchandise for The Supreme Pursuer and Raiders of Vanok!
New merchandise based on The Supreme Pursuer and Raiders of Vanok are available now!
New Releases This Month!
From a return to The Four Worlds, encountering new alien beings, and a new science-fantasy adventure. New releases from Dark Titan Publishing for the month of July!
What's Ahead in the Second Half of 2021? Here's a look!
With the first half of 2021 nearly passed, here’s a look at what’s to come in the second half of 2021.
Prodigious Worlds imprint stories will be serialized before physical/digital releases!
New serial-fiction stories are coming in the form of the Prodigious Worlds imprint.