The First Three Chapters of The Horde!

The Horde - Logo Square II.png

After being available in the Paperback Edition of Redemption of the Lost: The Haunted City II, here are the first three chapters to the upcoming vampire story, The Horde.



Interstate 5 in Washington state is completely packed. Many are trying to enter Seattle as other drivers try to find their way through. In the front, the drivers notice that a hazard sign has been placed on the interstate for anyone traveling through. No vehicles are moving, just sitting in their current places. One driver, a man, exits his vehicle and proceeds to walk to the front of the interstate. As drivers honk their horns at each other trying to get pass, the man continues walking through.

As he looked closer, he is yanked to the ground. He started to scream as his body is being ripped apart by unseen forces. They bite onto his neck and arms, draining the blood from his body. His screams are heard from the other drivers. As he screamed, other drivers walk out of their vehicles, only to be attacked by the forces as well. Now, the entire interstate is covered with abandoned cars and over a hundred scattered people running for their lives.

The people begin running toward the entrance into downtown Seattle. They continue to run and scream in horror as many of them are being knocked to the ground or yanked behind a vehicle. Many lie on the ground, being ripped apart and bitten in the neck, arms, and thighs. Many are reaching the entrance quickly, but the forces are moving at a faster pace, catching and killing anyone who’s in their way.


Inside an office of a home sat a man, in his mid-thirties with black hair wearing slacks and a buttoned-down shirt. He is Dr. Allan Desportan, a scientist who works on different species of animals and sometimes works on finding cures for diseases. As he sat at his desk, examining a file that contained information about Polio, he looked up at the TV in his office, he noticed it was CNN and they were broadcasting the instate event, Desportan leaned in and realized the running people were heading downtown in Seattle. As he watched the live footage, he seen the forces that were chasing and killing the people. Deep pale skin, some with red eyes, glowing from the reflections of light, others with clear eyes and long fanged teeth coming from their mouths.

Desportan stood up from his desk and goes for his white lab-style coat and someone is knocking on his door. He walked to the door and opened it. A Caucasian woman with long wavy black hair. She wore a buttoned-down shirt with blue jeans and looked to be in her late twenties.

“Dr. Seward.” Desportan said. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to check to see if you just saw the footage of the interstate.”

“I did.” I was about to drive near it to examine the creatures.”

“I think you shouldn’t go.” Seward said. “Its best that you stay indoors to avoid this. I’m sure we’ll be involved with this tomorrow.”

“You have a point there.” Desportan said. “Thanks for warning me, Lucy.”

“You’re my colleague.” Lucy said. “I have no choice but to watch out for you.”

Lucy left Desportan’s home. He walked back inside and sat in his office, still watching the live feed of the interstate. Now, there are not many people running on the streets, they’re just lying on the ground either dead or dying.

“What in God’s name is going on.”



In the morning, CNN reports that over one-hundred and fifty casualties were documented in the interstate massacre. Desportan arrived at the public science laboratory in Seattle. Seeing Lucy again, he walked toward her, entering her office.

“Good morning, Lucy.”

“Same to you, Doctor.”

“So, what’s the current situation on the Interstate incident?”

“The bodies have been taken to the morgue. I will contact them in a few about any unusual symptoms to the bodies.”

“Very well.”

Desportan walked into his office to find an envelope on his desk. He walked over and picked it up. He looked to see who it was from, which was his ex-wife, Eva Desportan. He opened the letter, which was a response about their divorce and what she would receive from it. The letter stated that she demands a BMW be brought to her. He picked up his cell phone and called her.

“Eva, yes it’s me. I just received your letter about the car.”

“What do you mean ‘the car’? it’s a BMW that you bought me, and I want it immediately.”

“There are more important things going on right now and I can’t get to it at this time.”

“You better get to it, because there’s nothing more important than me receiving my BMW.”

“It’ll be a while before you receive it.”

“Just bring it to me.”

Eva hung up, which Desportan put the phone down.

“She’ll never understand.”

Lucy walked into Desportan’s office. He looked up and seen her.

“Anything major?”

“The bodies at the morgue. They all have bites marks on their throats, arms, and legs.”

“Bite marks?”

“The coroner’s not sure as to what caused those bites.”

In the Museum of History and Industry, a man is currently walking through. He is German doctor, a fellow historian and he’s also a vampire hunter. He is known as Professor Abelard Ekkehardt. Abelard scans the aisle for anything related to vampirism or any source that connects to vampires. As he approaches the final set of aisles on that row, he finds a book related to vampirism. He sits at a table in a corner as he scans through the book quickly. He stopped at one page, which showed an illustration of a horde of vampires.

Abelard squinted his eyes at the pack and thought back about the interstate incident. Abelard knows that vampires are the cause of the interstate disaster. Abelard left the museum.


Abelard arrived at the hospital which has the bodies of the deceased in their morgue. He walked toward the receptionist’s desk.

“Excuse me, I would like to speak with your coroner, please.”

“I’m not sure if I can allow something like that.”

“Please, madam. It is of a serious matter. The bodies are not safe to be examined on.”

The receptionist cautiously pointed to the direction of the morgue. Abelard looked and thanked her. He moved quickly through the amount of people in the hallways. He turned two corners before reaching a door that says “Morgue” on its nameplate.


Abelard walked into the morgue and seen firsthand the amount of bodies lying inside. He spotted the bite marks.

“Dear God.”

The door opened behind him and it is the coroner. Abelard walked up to him and pointed at the bodies.

“What are you doing in here, sir?”

“Please, you must listen to me. You need to rid of these bodies and burn them immediately! They’re not safe to be around.”

“Why don’t I just call security to see if you’re alright.”

“I am alright! I’ve been doing this job for over thirty years. I know when a body should not be messed with and you’re trailing on some thin ice here, young man.”

Abelard walked to the door, before exiting the morgue, he turned to the coroner with a concerned look on his face.

“Please, burn the bodies. All of them.”

Abelard walked out of the morgue and exited the hospital. The coroner walked out to see if Abelard left. As he stood at the door, a doctor passed by, looking the same direction.

“What was the problem?”

“Just some crazy old man, that’s all.”


After the moon set, a group of vampires, some with hair, others bald. All of them are pale and have clear eyes and razor-sharp teeth. Others have some sort of ooze coming from their mouths. Over a dozen of them gather at Crown Hill Cemetery. The dozen vampires move quickly to a grave site. The grave dug opened. The vampires sit or stand in an orderly fashion. They seem to be waiting for something or someone.


A few begin to hear someone walking over to them. A tall force, wearing all black with black hair and pale eyes. He even has a pair of sharp teeth of his own with sharp nails. He stood above the dozen vampires as they bowed before him. The tall force raised his arms.

“My children. I am Dunkan, The Dark One. Your lord and master.”

The vampires cheer at Dunkan. Praising him as their God.

“I have gathered you all here on this night to pass down a message of The Fated Ones. We shall transform this city into our homeland. The interstate was just the beginning as we much kill as many as we can. Whether they are man, woman, or child, we must make a stand here and claim it as our own. Once we claim this city, we will travel south to claim more. After a few months, we’ll have this entire country and within a year, we’ll have the whole world at our disposal.”

The vampires cheer with sounds of snarls and growls. Dunkan smiled down at them, loving the attention he was receiving.

“We must fully take command and give praise to The Fated Ones. For if not for them, I would not be standing in front of you today to give you this message. We must stand tall and we must conquer all!”

All the vampires growl in praise. Dunkan walked away, looking back one time with a huge smile on his face.



The next day, as Abelard and Lucy were sitting in the office, discussing the bodies in the morgue, Abelard appeared immediately and approached Desportan’s office. Desportan and Lucy get up from their chairs and stood up, facing Abelard.

“Excuse me, doctor. I need to deliver an important message here.”

“What would that message be? If I may ask?” Desportan said.

“Burn the bodies that are lying in the morgue. They’re not safe.”

“What do you mean they’re not safe?” Lucy said.

“The bite marks on the bodies from the interstate. They’re not what they seem to be. An animal did no such thing. You’re dealing with a much threatening force.”

“What are you talking about, sir?”

“I sense that you wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.”

Desportan sits at his desk, Lucy sat back down. They allow Abelard to sit in front of the desk.

“Please, tell us.”

“What you’re dealing with, they’re cold-blooded, threatening, terrifying, and bloodthirsty. I’ll just tell you that they’re vampires.”

Desportan turned to Lucy. No word from his mouth.

“Vampires?” Lucy said.

“Yes ma’am. Vampires. I know it seems hard to believe, but I am telling you the truth. Those bodies must be burned immediately. They only have one more night before they fully turn.”

“I don’t fully understand.” Desportan said.

“I am aware of that, doctor. So, what are the two of you going to do about it?”

Desportan turned to Lucy. Not knowing what they could do. He paused and looked at Abelard. He nodded his head.

“Could you tell us more about these vampires, as you call them.”

“I sure can.”

Abelard pulled out a book from his coat and opened it. He turned from page to page. He stopped at one page and handed the book to Desportan. He put on his reading glasses and looked at the book. Lucy stood up behind him, looking in the book as well. Desportan is confused as to what he’s currently reading.

“This cannot be possible to exist.” Desportan said.

“They do, sir. They exist among us.”

“How did you discover all of this?” Lucy said.

“Because I am a vampire hunter from Germany. I’ll tell you more about that later. But, for right now, we must focus on what is here in Seattle.”

Desportan read the book and noticed the title “v12 Virus”. He looked at Abelard, turning the book around for Abelard to see. Abelard sees it and smiled.

“What the hell is the v12 virus?”

“The v12 virus is what created the vampires of today’s time. They appear to be a mixture of certain viruses that are around in vampire folklore. The v5 and Blood Fire viruses. Appears that the v12 virus is the strongest and most contagious virus of the three. Though, it takes time for the virus to fully spread in the human body.”

“I’ve heard of those two viruses.” Desportan said. “I’m fully aware of those two.”

The Horde releases in 2021.


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