The Haunted City Spin-Offs Heading into Visual Media!

On December 26, 2022, Dark Titan Entertainment held its first 2023 and Beyond Presentation. During the presentation, the news was announced of two spin-offs within the world of The Haunted City. Old Camelot and Mega City. Here is the new details of the spin-offs.

Originally, it was planned for these two titles to be prose novellas set to release sometime between 2025 and 2027. Now, with a new change in structure of the company, the two titles will be moved into visual media. Therefore, they will not be released in prose nor in book form as the stories will need much visualization as possible. Currently, the plan is to have one as an animated series and the other a potential live-action miniseries.

More details to come in the future. Until then, dive into the Four Worlds of Adamah with The Haunted City Saga.


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