The Focus of The Frightened! Series is set on Book 2 and Book 2 Alone.

Frightened! Book 2 Stories.png

For those who were aware, Book 1 of the Frightened! series, The Beginning was expected to have an illustrated edition releasing this month. Instead, the complete focus on the series is set on Book 2 titled The Light Sky.

In doing so, the illustrated edition is no longer being released and in its place will be the eBook Edition of The Extended Age Omnibus. Something which has been planned since the first two Dark Titan Omnibuses were announced to be released in eBook format this Friday. The Extended Age Omnibus will be released in eBook format on April 23rd.

For any readers interested in the Frightened! series, pick up Book 1 and settle as Book 2 will be released this Autumn in paperback and eBook.


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