Welcome to the Remnant. Welcome to the Symbolum Venatores.

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Symbolum Venatores began as a short story collection featuring ten stories following Gabriel Kane, a Monster Hunter/Ufologist investigating paranormal and nightmarish sightings. Each ranging across various locations throughout the focal points within the mid 19th Century. Beginning with Egypt Eyalet to Belle Epoque Paris. The story of Hod also follows such events, although the time period and location is kept hidden. If you’ve read Hod you know he’s a member of the Symbolum Venatores.

The Symbolum Venatores is a secret society of monster hunters and ufologists. Going back as far as history can proclaim, perhaps further. The members of the society are referred to by each other as Remnants. Remnants gathered from different nations, generations, creeds, religions, faiths, and races. Gabriel Kane was one of their most profound members during the 19th Century. But besides Kane and Hod, there were others. Many more. Before and after. Now, it is time to go further back into the past. To a time where in the midst of a civil war, monsters lurked.

This all leads toward the next installment of the Symbolum Venatores series:

Symbolum Venatores: War of The Two Kingdoms focuses on the civil war between the Divided Kingdom of Israel. Rehoboam, King of the Kingdom of Judah and Jeroboam, King of the Kingdom of Israel. Both on the brink of war. However, unbeknownst to them and in the midst of the Israelites stands a Hunter. From the Tribe of Benjamin and his arrival into the ongoing war is needed dearly. Not only must he deal with the consequences of his own people at war, but the monsters which hide in the shadows, scouring the two kingdoms draws his attention.

The name of this Israelite Monster Hunter is Elrad and the meaning of his name signifies his purpose in both the war and the Symbolum Venatores. But, for now, readers must indulge in the stories of Gabriel Kane and Mr. Hod.

Symbolum Venatores: The Gabriel Kane Collection and Hod are available now.

Symbolum Venatores: War of The Two Kingdoms will be available in the Winter.


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