New Releases This Month!

Knights and Lords - Paperback Placeholder Cover.png
War of Two Kingdoms - Paperback Cover II.png
Dark Titan Omnibus Vol 2 - Cover Template.png

Dark Titan Entertainment has revealed the upcoming releases for the month of December. Three titles. First is the introduction to the EverWar Universe, second is the third entry into the Symbolum Venatores series, and third is the second collection of the Dark Titan Universe Saga.

EverWar Universe: Knights & Lords: "The conflict between the Avior and the Dekar is unveiled!"

"In a time long past, of an age within ages, there was the war."

A quote known across the sectors. A sentence of eras. Battles and wars have been fought and now, their stories will be told. This collection of mythic science-fantasy will detail events throughout three primary eras of the sectors across the stellarspace. Meeting a variety of Knights, Lords, Pharaos, Queens, Wizards, Gods, and much more as you witness who they are, their beliefs, and their motives while you enter a universe of a long time past.

Symbolum Venatores: War of The Two Kingdoms: "WELCOME TO ANCIENT ISRAEL"

Two kingdoms at war and the only one standing in its path is a Hunter. A slayer of monsters.

Welcome to 931 BC, set in Ancient Israel during the reigns of Rehoboam and Jeroboam as they enter a civil war between the divided kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Outside of the politics is Elrad, a hunter from the Tribe of Benjamin who learns there's more to the world than what society knows in the midst of a growing conflict.

Dark Titan Omnibus: Volume 2: After The Risen Period Trilogy, the heroes, villains, supernatural, and otherworldly forces across the Dark Titan Universe have continued their journeys. This second omnibus collection of the Dark Titan Universe Saga collects The World of Heroes Trilogy.

An omnibus for readers of fantasy and science-fiction to book collectors.


EverWar Universe: Knights & Lords releases in paperback, e-book, and Special Edition hardcover on December 11th..
Symbolum Venatores: War of The Two Kingdoms releases in paperback and e-book on December 18th.
Dark Titan Omnibus: Volume 2 releases in hardcover on December 25th.


A Small Look into 2021!


The History of Symbolum Venatores. So Far...