“I am unlike the spirits you’ve encountered”

Known in the spiritual realm as a Lost Girl, Leta came into the modern world after forming a bond with a young girl known as Carrie Lawrence. It took Travis Vail to come to their home to expel Leta and rid the bond between the two. Leta later returned years later, stronger than before as it took both Travis Vail and Doctor Fortune to expel her from the Lawrence home.

Powers: Supernatural Knowledge, Magic Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Mind Control

Occupation: Paranormal Tormentor

Alias/AKA: The Lost Girl Spirit

Real Name: Leta

Height: 5’8

Weight: N/A

Group Affiliations: N/A

Allies: Carrie Lawrence

Enemies: Travis Vail, Doctor Fortune

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: In a Glass of Dawn: The Casebook of Travis Vail (September 2018) (A Lost Girl)